$24k Spring Grant Cycle Approved by School Board
July 24, 2019
Grants in Action! Through HSF fundraising and the good will of the Haldane community, the School Board approved the Spring Grant Cycle worth over $24,000. These opportunities for Haldane students would not have been possible without the support of HSF and its fundraising efforts. A huge thank you goes to everyone who attends our events, donates, and of course, our local sponsors.

2019 Scholarship Awardee Helena Alvarez
June 22, 2019
Trustee Gary Hohenberger presented graduating senior Helena Alvarez with the HSF Scholarship today. Thank you to the scholarship committee and good luck Helena!
Haldane School Foundation Awards Grants, Welcomes New Board Members
July 24, 2018
The year so far has been a productive time at the Haldane School Foundation. After the very successful Taste of the Valley celebration on April 28, the board got busy soliciting proposals and funding exciting initiatives during its spring grant cycle.
“Our teachers are always coming up with creative ideas,” said grant committee co-chair Christine Johanson. “You never know where inspiration will come from.” This cycle’s funded projects include a range of enrichment experiences, including a flipped classroom to teach U.S. history, iPads for fourth graders, and a River of Words program focusing on drawing, depth and geometry.
“We can’t wait for kids to experience these unique opportunities. It’s one more way parents and community members can partner with the school and enhance the learning for the next generation,” said grant committee co-chair Michelle Kupper.
The full list of funded projects:
$6252 – iPads (18) Grade 4
$5250 – “Think Ahead” Chess – Grades 2-5
$4107 – Math Calculators (30) – Grades 9-12 math classes
$3500 – Friends&Family University with Michael Nerney – K-12 and Community
$2500 – Model UN trip to University of Connecticut – Grades 9-12
$2500 – Foreign Language Immersion field trip – Grades 9-12
$1977 – US History Flipped Classroom – Grade 11
$1800 – Chef-in-the-classroom – Grades K-5
$1500 – Elementary School Musical – Aristocats Kids! – Grades 4-5
$1250 – Hudson Highlands River of Words workshop: “Drawing, Geometry and Depth” with Thom Johnson – Grade 6
$1000 – Advanced Placement and pre-AP Spanish trip to En El Tiempo de las Mariposas – Grades 11-12
$993 – Cameras for Photo center – Grades 4-7
$800 – Field Trip to Monroe Village – Grade 4
$758 – Handwriting Support Club – Grades K-2
$550 – Wall of inspirational quotes – K-12 and Community
In other news, five new board members joined the School Foundation: Lauren Daisley, Megan Harding, Katie Hendrix, Kent Henricksen, and Elizabeth Hires. The Foundation said farewell to departing trustees Luz Bailey, Roman Danilov, Cecily Hall, John Hedlund, and Shannon Keegan, and thanked them for their years of service to the school community. The board will meet over the summer to get a jump on preparing projects for the next school year.
The Haldane School Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to enhance the quality of public education by engaging the support and partnership of educators, citizens, parents and students. Since its inception, HSF has raised and donated over $1 million to the Haldane Central School District.
Haldane School Foundation Raises Over $25,000 At Fall Country Gala!
October 31, 2019
On October 21, the Topfield Equestrian Center was transformed into a country dance hall, where attendees of the 2017 Haldane School Foundation Fall Ball dined, line-danced and raised more than $25,000 for Haldane activities.
More than 150 revelers gathered among horses and bales at beautiful Topfield Equestrian Center to enjoy lively country music by Nash East, delicious barbecue from Farmers & Chefs, a bourbon tasting from Yannitelli Fine Wines & Spirits, and craft beer donated by Industrial Arts Brewing Co.
“We are extremely grateful to our sponsors, donors and gala attendees,” says Haldane School Foundation president Shannon Keegan. “Every year, we are so thrilled to host these events, and provide so much benefit to our school from the community’s generosity.”
All proceeds from the event go to fund educational enrichment at Haldane schools. The $25,000 raised this year includes generous donations from anchor sponsors Scanga Innovative Woodworking and 21 other local individuals and companies. It also includes over $9,500 from a silent auction featuring amazing items donated by local community members, including an architectural drawing of your house by Madeleine McGinley and tickets to Broadway’s Kinky Boots.
This year’s fundraising total also includes over $3,000 from a special “On the Road Again” pledge drive held to save field trips, which have been imperiled by budget constraints. Middle School Teacher Jeff Sniffen described the impact of his annual popular trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and sixth grade students Liam Gaugler & Mathew Nachamkin described a memorable field trip to Albany that led them to run for student council.
Tax deductible donations are still being excepted for the fall pledge drive. Please visit www.haldaneschoolfoundation.org for more information and to donate.
Taste of the Valley Raises $22,000 for Haldane Programs
June 27, 2017
The Haldane School Foundation announced that it raised more than $22,000 at its recent Taste of the Valley event. The funds raised will be distributed through a competitive grant application process back to the school to enhance the quality of students’ education at Haldane. The popular annual event, held at Glynwood, a local nonprofit, featured food & drink from nearly 20 event sponsors.
Haldane School Foundation Announces Enrichment Grants for Various Programs
January 25, 2020
The Haldane School Foundation on Monday announced more than $35,000 in Enrichment Grants that will fund innovative new projects including a student-led, outdoor collaborative classroom and a high school-focused, Digital Fine Arts Initiative.

Foundation Raises $5,000 to Renovate Haldane Library
October 30, 2016
The Haldane School Foundation’s annual Fall Ball, held this year at Pamela’s Bird and Bottle Inn in Garrison, raised more than $20,000 for projects at the school, including a transformation of the middle and high school library. Read more in the Highlands Current.

Haldane School Foundation Announces New Grants in The Current
September 07, 2016
The Haldane School Foundation recently announced $60,340 in grants to fund 15 projects at the district’s three schools:
· $20,000 for Discover, Create, Innovate music lab (grades K-12)
· $18,624 for 21st Century Library Learning Commons (grades 6-12)
· $3,820 for Model UN Conferences (grades 10-12)
· $3,300 for Chromebooks (grade 2)
· $3,300 for iPad Workstation (grade 1)
· $3,150 for Think Ahead chess program (grades 3-5)
· $2,180 for drama program body microphones (grades 6-12)
· $1,500 for See the Wish theater program (grade 4)
· $1,000 for Discover, Create, Innovate materials (grades K-9)
· $915 for presentation by Holocaust survivor Marion Lazan (grades 7-8)
· $900 for Broadway trip (grade 7)
· $528 for Teatown Reservation trip (grade 4)
· $500 for Spanish-language play performance (grades 11-12)
· $425 for Albany trip (grade 4)
· $198 for ball chairs as sensing tools (grade 3)
“The money that funds these grants comes entirely from the generous individuals, families and businesses of our community,” said HSF President Shannon Keegan, who also announced three new trustees have joined the organization’s 17-member board: Liz Corio, Gary Hohenberger and Karen Kapoor.

Copy Of -HSF Awards its Annual Senior Scholarship to 2016 Haldane Graduate Eric Rizzi.
June 18, 2016
Congrats to Eric and all the 2016 Haldane Graduates! In Eric's winning essay he touts essential HSF sponsored GRANT EXPERIENCES throughout his education @ Haldane including The Destination Imagination (DI) Program which taught him about teamwork and creativity, The Theater & Music PA Speaker Funding and The Foreign Language Immersion Program.
THANK YOU HSF SUPPORTERS for funding these important Haldane educational experiences.

Thanks from the 5th Grade Classes for their HSF sponsored trip to The American Museum of Natural History.
June 01, 2016
Thanks to the generosity of the Haldane School Foundation and parent contributions, the fifth grade students were able to visit the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The day started early! At 7:45 a.m. on Wednesday, 6/1, students had a wonderful learning experience. They saw an IMAX film, National Parks, and had the opportunity to view and interact with many outstanding and engaging exhibits.
Thanks again to the HSF, our parent chaperones, and everyone who made this trip a huge success!
Sincerely, The Fifth Grade Team

Thank you from the Foreign Language Immersion Program!
March 19, 2016
Thank you from the students and faculty of the 2016 Foreign Langiage Immersion Program! The generous donation from the Haldane School Foundationenabled us to enjoy instruction in French and Spanish dancing, learning about life in Peru and Haiti, as well as storytelling and screenplay writing workshops!

Thanks to The Haldane School Foundation the third grade visits Locust Grove to learn about Morse Code!
February 28, 2016
Dear Haldane School Foundation, The third grade wishes to thank you for allowing us to visit Locust Grove this month due to your generous grant. We learned facts about Samuel F.B. Morse and even learned his famous Morse Code to locate artifacts in his art gallery. We really enjoyed our hands-on experience at Locust Grove in Poughkeepsie. Your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated! These experiences truly make our learning come to life and become memorable! With gratitude, The Third Grade Team

February 06, 2016
The Haldane School Foundation has given nearly $26,000 in grants to the Haldane Central School District to fund field trips, writing and poetry workshops across several grades, as well as speaker Jeff Yalden, who will address students in grades 8-12 on the topics of teen depression and suicide.

January 27, 2016
The Haldane School Foundation has announced nearly $26,000 in educational enrichment grants to the Haldane Central School District for this season’s grant cycle.

January 27, 2016
The Haldane School Foundation has announced nearly $26,000 in educational enrichment grants to the Haldane Central School District for this season’s grant cycle.

November 14, 2015
The 2015 Haldane School Foundation Fall Ball, which took place on Nov. 6, raised more than $25,000 for the school district. More than 160 guests mingled on the grounds of the Highlands Country Club and enjoyed red-carpet photography by Sheila Williams Photography, a tango dance demo from Cold Spring’s Fred Astaire Studio, specialty cocktails and dancing.

October 28, 2015
Attendees of the 2015 Haldane School Foundation Fall Ball will be helping fund an ambitious program to transform Haldane classrooms into 21st century classrooms where students learn by doing.

September 02, 2015
The Haldane School Foundation has finalized $22,320 in Enrichment Grants for fall that will fund such popular student offerings as model United Nations, Farm-to-School and chess programs, computer tablets and educational field trips to Albany, Teatown and New York City.

May 06, 2015
The Haldane School Foundation raised more than $22,000 for the school district at its annual Spring “Taste of the Valley” Fundraiser at Glynwood Farm. The event in late April was entirely sold-out, and almost 200 people sampled food and drink from restaurants and caterers across the Hudson Valley.

April 08, 2015
The Haldane School Foundation is inviting all members of the community to enjoy cuisine from local restaurants and caterers to sample the fantastic flavors of the Hudson Valley at its 2015 Spring Fundraiser—“A Taste of the Valley”.
April 04, 2015
Grades K–5 learn printmaking techniques at GAC
Haldane artists in grades K through 5 participated in the Garrison Art Center School Invitational Theme Show Rollin’ on the River. The children used a plethora of printmaking techniques to create individual and collaborative artworks. The collaborative pieces were displayed at the Garrison Art Center.
March 21, 2015
It can be difficult for language students to push past the tedium of language learning, the drills and vocabulary retention, and into the exploration of language to a living, breathing culture — particularly so in high school, where curriculum standards often prescribe a course of study that separates the structure of the language from its spoken life.
To take language away from the textbooks, and to help students reared in Philipstown gain exposure to the world beyond it, the Haldane language immersion program, a day of saturation in cultural activities and cuisine related to the French and Spanish languages, occurs each March.

January 21, 2015
The Haldane School Foundation announced that it has finalized $44,900 in educational enrichment grants to the Haldane Central School District for this season’s grant cycle.